Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas =)

Sometimes I miss how Christmas as a kid. I remember being so excited to get up and see what Santa brought me, and then rushing over to Grandma's house after cooking a few things to bring with us. We haven't really had a Christmas like that in awhile because everyone's grown up, and we just all have a lot going on. Also, my grandparetns stay in Florida throughout the summer. They aren't a big fan of cold. However, this Christmas is going to be so amazing.

Tomorrow morning my whole family will be here. I haven't had a Christmas with both parents together in a long time. I'm very anxious for that. Then, the day after Christmas, my whole family is packing up and going to my grandparetns. It will be so good to see them because I hardly ever get to. My grandma has leukemia, and just recently had a heart attack, and I want to spend as much time as I can with her while I still can.

I'm also excited about giving Lucas his presents. I feel like I actually got things he wanted this year which always helps with the excitement.

My parents and sister are in Ardmore right now. That's about 4 hours south of where I am in Owasso. The weather is incredibly bad, ice, snow, sleet, hail. So I'm really hoping they can make it home safely.

I realized today that two christmases from now I could be married..beautiful. haha. Anyways, I don't have a lot to say. I'll be back.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I know it's been a couple of days but I haven't been on the computer much lately and since my last post was so angry I wanted to wait until I had something exciting. Now I do. Well I think it is.

I've been waiting on my professors to post my grades for about two weeks and they finally did. I received 3 A's and 1 C. The C was in my Analysis of French Texts class that was taught in French. I worked so hard in that class that I feel like that C is an A. So it's all good. And next semester I'll take my last French class. And that will be awesome.

I've moved back home for the break. Which so far has been good. But I know eventually I'll be ready to go back to school haha. I feel so bored. And it's nice right now. But again, I'll be ready for school again in a couple of days. I can't wait until my teachers post the book lists. I love ebaying for textbooks. It's fun haha. So as soon as they are up I'll be wasting all kinds of time on Ebay and Amazon and

I really don't have a lot to say cause nothing has been going on lately. So I'll be back. Oh, I made cake yesterday. So soon I'll post pictures.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Reasons why you should tip your server

After several tables decided to not tip me this week, I decided to write a list of reasons why you should tip your server.

1. They get paid 2.13 an hour. Since that all goes to taxes, your tip is their paycheck.

2. You most likely have no idea what it's like to be a server, so don't start griping over something that probably wasn't their fault. For example, cold food. Does the server look like a cook? No. Ask nicely or suck it up.

3. See number 1.

4. I understand that servers do make mistakes sometimes. But my guess is, it's not a life or death matter. So, if your server isn't quick enough to fill the drinks once, it'll be okay. More than once, then you can be a little upset.

5. See number 1.

6. While your server's job is to wait on you, it is not their only one. They have several other things they are having to do at the same time. Where I work, here's a few more of my other jobs: roll silverware, fill up the biscuits, make sweet tea, make coffee, bus tables, run food to tables, and keep things clean. So don't expect them to just stand their at your beck and call for the 45 minutes that you are sitting there.

7. Oftentimes, servers only have two table sections. That means if you sit there at their table for an hour and then don't tip, they are counting on their one other table to tip at least $5.50 to bring them up to minimum wage.

8. Did I mention that servers only make $2.13 an hour.


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Being on the apartment staff I have to do inspections as people move out of their apartments. I just got done doing a few and I honestly don't understand how people can live in filth like that. If there's cockroaches crawling on the floor, why would you not do something about it. Gross. Also, I don't understand why people would leave good furniture behind. I understand if it's crappy falling apart furniture, but good furniture? They do realize that in about a week we're going to take it all to the dumpster right? People are weird.

I'm kinda starting to feel content with where I am right now. I'm really working on the patience thing and I at least am making some headway. It'll be awhile before me and Lucas get married so for now I'm going to look forward to things that are closer. Don't worry, I'm still looking forward to marrying him. I'm just trying to be more patient.

A few things to look forward to:

1. I'm going to Florida with BOTH of my parents and my little sister. I absolutely love feeling like a normal family so I'm very excited about this whole family trip.

2. Next semester I get to start my elementary education theory classes. This means that one day a week I get to spend my mornings assisting an elementary teacher. I'll also have to teach a few lessons as well as write lesson plans. It'll be exciting to be in a classroom teaching. I'm super excited.

3. I think that my dad is planning on taking a vacation to Vegas for my 21st birthday. If this happens then Lucas will most likely go with us and I'm super excited.

4. I'm going to be changing apartments next year to live with Allyson. This will just make everything so much easier and better and I'm very anxious for this to happen.

See all these exciting things that I have to be patient for? No wonder I'm so impatient, I've been blessed with amazing opportunities.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The second I got done with finals I immediately started thinking of things I needed to do: laundry, a serious apartment cleaning, buy books for next semester, and various other things. Then I realized that all of that stuff could wait, at least for a little bit. It's been such a long time since I've taken a real break. This semester was really long and really hard and I know it's just going to get worse next semester. Therefore, I'm going to try my hardest to truly relax. I will be going to Florida in a week and a half and that will definitely help me to not do anything.

I've always had trouble taking breaks. Or taking time to myself. Even when I do "take breaks" I'm doing something else. For instance, if I'm working on a paper, my break is to work on other homework. Sometimes I really do need to just stop. But, I hate feeling unproductive so I feel like I always need to be doing something. I actually did a little better this semester and took some time to read a few books throughout the semester. I think that this seriously helped with my stress so it's something I need to continue to do.

Part of my problem is I'm so goal-oriented. I see something I want, and then I work towards that. This is something else that messes with my patience. I don't understand sometimes why I can't have something if that's what I'm working for. Patience. Blah.

Okay. I'm going to go continue reading the Chronicles of Narnia. See, I'm breaking.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I've realized over the past few days that blogging can be a good thing. I realize that it's been a long, long time since I've posted, but, I'm a college student and therefore very busy. One of my friends recently updated their facebook status with a link to their blog. After reading it, I felt not only encouraged, but inspired to return to blogging. And so here it is. My return to blogging.

I was thinking recently about how important this time of my life is. In college you make so many decisions that will effect the rest of your life. And they are not small decisions. Huge decisions are thrown at you every day. There is also so much happening that I know I will never want to forget. Which is another reason for this return to blogging. I want to remember this time of my life and everything that was important in it. So here it goes: Project Scrapbook. I've decided that is what I will name my blog. I have no where near the time that is necessary to make a real scrapbook. So instead this will be my virtual one.

I just finished my fall semester of my junior year in college. Because I will be graduating a little late, that means that I only have 4 semesters left. It also means that I have completed 5 semesters. I realize that means I'm over halfway done but 4 more semesters seems like so long. I just hope they all go like this past semester: super busy and therefore super fast.

A lot of things have been different this semester. I'm on the apartment staff, which I love. I quit band, which I miss. I changed my major, again, to elementary education, which I am excited about. And Lucas and I have become closer than ever, which is frustrating at times because I am even more impatient for marriage. Which brings me to something else. I read someone's blog recently about being patient for God's time. God will make the pieces all fit together eventually and it will definitely be worth the wait. Patience is something that I have always struggled with because I'm always waiting for the next thing. Tying patience to God's time is definitely something that I needed to hear and it's something that I plan on focusing on.

I think that's all that I have for now. I'm positive that I will be back.
