Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A trip, a triathlon, and an engagement photo

Again I have managed to let a whole month go by without posting. But that's okay, school has started again and I am much more on top of my blogging during the year. I actually have a lot to post about this time though.

About a month ago I went on a trip with my family. We road tripped across to North Carolina. We camped and stayed in hotels all the way there, on the beach, and on the way back. We visited lots of places that I have been including the Great Smoky Mountains, 3 different lighthouses, and the Coyote Ugly Bar in Nashville.
Tennessee/North Carolina state line inside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Some Mountains

Bodie Island Lighthouse

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

Ocracoke Lighthouse

The next thing that I have done this year is my second triathlon. I was so thrilled with it because I felt so unprepared but my time was in fact 11 minutes faster than the last one. It was a great feeling to have done better.

Waiting to swim

Coming out of the water heading to my bike
Going to the finish line, my sister Sierra ran the last 20 yards or so with me
About a week ago, Lucas and I took engagement pictures. I absolutely love them and how they turned in. Everything seems to be coming together really well with out wedding plans and everything and I am so excited. It's less than 3 months away now which is wonderful. I can't wait! This is one of my favorites that I have gotten to see so far.

I have also started student teaching! I'm currently at the 7th grade center in Owasso teaching math with Mrs. Peterson. I'm already learning so much from this experience and I'm so glad that I get this opportunity. I will soon have a post dedicated mostly to my student teaching experience.
