Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

This year I actually really thought about my resolutions/goals. I wanted them to really be attainable so I wouldn't give up. I want to succeed with these things that I've decided on. So, hold me accountable haha.

1. I want to run a 10k. I succeeded in my mission to run a 5k this year and I really think I can do it. It would also be another thing I could mark off my bucket list.

2. I want to handle my finances better. This has three parts really. I want to save some money, I will be completely on my own soon and I want to have some money put back for that. I want to practice my tithing and offerings more consistently. I kinda gave up on that when I got to college. I really need to handle that better. I also want to pay off all my debt. It's about $2,000 I think with my student loans and credit card debt combined. It's really not all that big so I want to be sure and get rid of it before the end of the year.

3. I want to graduate from college. This is pretty much a given at this point but still, I can't give up yet and expect it to come anyways. I can do it! Just two more semesters!

4. I think that patience is something that I try to work on almost constantly, and I always fail. This year I am going to become more patient. My patience with children has dramatically gotten better, but I need to work on my patience with people my own age.

I think that is all. I will keep you updated throughout the year.
