Thursday, December 17, 2009


Being on the apartment staff I have to do inspections as people move out of their apartments. I just got done doing a few and I honestly don't understand how people can live in filth like that. If there's cockroaches crawling on the floor, why would you not do something about it. Gross. Also, I don't understand why people would leave good furniture behind. I understand if it's crappy falling apart furniture, but good furniture? They do realize that in about a week we're going to take it all to the dumpster right? People are weird.

I'm kinda starting to feel content with where I am right now. I'm really working on the patience thing and I at least am making some headway. It'll be awhile before me and Lucas get married so for now I'm going to look forward to things that are closer. Don't worry, I'm still looking forward to marrying him. I'm just trying to be more patient.

A few things to look forward to:

1. I'm going to Florida with BOTH of my parents and my little sister. I absolutely love feeling like a normal family so I'm very excited about this whole family trip.

2. Next semester I get to start my elementary education theory classes. This means that one day a week I get to spend my mornings assisting an elementary teacher. I'll also have to teach a few lessons as well as write lesson plans. It'll be exciting to be in a classroom teaching. I'm super excited.

3. I think that my dad is planning on taking a vacation to Vegas for my 21st birthday. If this happens then Lucas will most likely go with us and I'm super excited.

4. I'm going to be changing apartments next year to live with Allyson. This will just make everything so much easier and better and I'm very anxious for this to happen.

See all these exciting things that I have to be patient for? No wonder I'm so impatient, I've been blessed with amazing opportunities.


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