Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas =)

Sometimes I miss how Christmas as a kid. I remember being so excited to get up and see what Santa brought me, and then rushing over to Grandma's house after cooking a few things to bring with us. We haven't really had a Christmas like that in awhile because everyone's grown up, and we just all have a lot going on. Also, my grandparetns stay in Florida throughout the summer. They aren't a big fan of cold. However, this Christmas is going to be so amazing.

Tomorrow morning my whole family will be here. I haven't had a Christmas with both parents together in a long time. I'm very anxious for that. Then, the day after Christmas, my whole family is packing up and going to my grandparetns. It will be so good to see them because I hardly ever get to. My grandma has leukemia, and just recently had a heart attack, and I want to spend as much time as I can with her while I still can.

I'm also excited about giving Lucas his presents. I feel like I actually got things he wanted this year which always helps with the excitement.

My parents and sister are in Ardmore right now. That's about 4 hours south of where I am in Owasso. The weather is incredibly bad, ice, snow, sleet, hail. So I'm really hoping they can make it home safely.

I realized today that two christmases from now I could be married..beautiful. haha. Anyways, I don't have a lot to say. I'll be back.


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