Friday, August 3, 2012

Future Sandite

I haven't updated my blog in six months. I can guarantee you this is not because the last six months have been uneventful. It's because of how busy I've been. But, I'm back. Hopefully to post much more often than I have recently. Here's for a recap of some of the biggest things that happened in those six months.

  • Lucas graduated from college! And he got accepted into grad school! I am super proud of him but also so worried about how we are going to work this into our already stressful lives and continue to ensure that we get plenty of time for us. But, we can do it!
  • We moved back to Owasso. This was kinda a long drawn out decision but it has been absolutely wonderful being back near our families while we can. I know we will be here though high graduate program, but after that we could end up anywhere. I'm going to enjoy our time here while it lasts, and who knows? Maybe we will end up here for good.
  • I got a teaching job. While looking I was continually getting discouraged because I wasn't hearing back from ANY of the jobs that I was applying for. I applied for Sand Springs on a whim and actually didn't even fill out an application. I e-mailed the principal and got a response within an hour to set up an interview. I think the wait was well worth it and I couldn't be happier with what I'm teaching. I'll be teaching three hours of sixth grade math followed by three hours of sixth grade science. Be prepared for lots of postings about my first year as a teacher. 
  • Lucas and I celebrated being together for 5 years! I can't speak for Lucas but I feel like we are both so happy and both feel so blessed to have one another. I love him!
These are just a few of the many things that have happened. Expect much more detailed posts from here on out.  =)
