Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow snow snow

Before I get into the snow I'd like to first mention that me and Lucas celebrated our 3.5 year anniversary. That's a long time! I love him so much and I'm grateful that I've been blessed with him in my life.

What a crazy month it has been, and it's only the 5th. The 1st brought lots of snow. More snow than Oklahoma has ever received. The weatherman said that we've already received more snow than the record for the entire month of February. It's been really crazy. Here are some pictures.

This is the major highway that goes through Owasso. All those cars are stuck.
Here's me trying to walk across the street to get to my dads truck. I got stuck a couple times.
My sister standing in the snow. There was so much.
This is the elementary school by my house. It was 3 days after the snow and no one had even started digging it out. You can't really tell from this picture but the drifts had completely covered the front door.
Here's a snow drift in front of my house. The snow hadn't stopped yet but the drift was already taller than the yard stick.

It has been a nice break from school, since we had 4 snow days, but I'm definitely ready to get back into the routine of school and work and such. I don't handle change very well so when I'm not able to follow a schedule I kinda freak out. I'm just hoping we don't actually get the 5-10 inches predicted for this next week. Gross. It already stopped me from getting to see Lucas this weekend. It better not happen again.

I think that's all. Just wanted to mention the crazy amounts of snow.
