It's so crazy how many first days of schools you have throughout college. It almost makes me miss high school and only having to be nervous once a year, instead of 3 or 4 times a semester. Oh well. It'll be done before too long.
I only have one class on MWF. It's called Standards Based Chemistry and we don't even have a book for the class. That's kinda exciting I suppose. Except it means that I have to be at class instead of just reading the book at home haha. The worst part is the time. 8 am. Blah. It's amazing to me how much time I had to do things after class. I took a nap and went to the store and got stuff ready for my event tonight. It was crazy. I'm so not used to having this much time in a day.
Tonight I have my first neighbor night of this semester. It's a coloring contest and I'm hoping that at least one person will come. That will make my trip to Target worth it at least.
I don't have a lot today. I'll have more tomorrow I'm sure after I have 4 new classes. Eek.