Thursday, January 21, 2010

My classes

It's been a few days and I said I'd talk about my classes...which I never did. So here ya go. Now you can know what I do all day haha.

My chemistry class is pretty easy. I was a little concerned about it to begin with but it's specifically for elementary education majors. So essentially we just do experiments and see how they relate to PASS science objectives. Last week we played with liquid nitrogen. This week we had to compare things using balances...pretty easy stuff.

Math for the Elementarty Child is a really sucky class. My professor just rambles a lot and she is strict in what she wants us to do with our classes that we observe. It's like she doesn't understand that we have to do whatever the teacher is teaching for the week. We can't just enter into a classroom and do what we want with it. But that's okay. This class is also really a pedagogy class. Unfortunately, I'm not learning anything pedagogical. If that's even a word...

Science for the Elementary Child is really fun. I really like the professor and I've learned a whole lot in the few classes that I have had with her. We seem to just do a lot of projects in this class too but it makes sense because she is trying to teach us how to teach science. It's also a pedagogy class but I'm actually learning.

Advanced French would be okay except for my professor. I'm really not sure how I'll make it through the semester with her. I think I'll be okay if I just remember that her personal opinion of me doesn't matter. I just have to pass the class. So I just need to stay caught up and do the work. It'll be okay.

Lastly I have Math Concepts and Reasoning. We are basically just relearning concepts that we learned in Elementary School. So, it's inceredibly easy because it's basically just a review. It's good though. I definitely need that review if I'm going to be teaching elementary kids things that I haven't learned in 10 years.

So, those are my classes. I think right now I'm doing pretty good...but ask me again in 3 or 4 weeks and see where I stand.

I don't really have a lot that's too interesting to blog about. So that's all for now.
