Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Holy moly it's almost been a month!

How I've gone almost a month without blogging is beyond me. For some reason it's harder to stay on top of it during the summer because I don't feel as though there is as much going on to update about. This blog will be strictly for my Michigan trip.

First let me say that weather in Michigan is so incredible. The high the whole week we were there was 80, but it never felt over 75. It was always very comfortable.

My 22nd birthday was spend in Michigan. It was kind of a weird experience being away from my family for my birthday but I survived. And there will most likely be several more in the future.

Lucas' family also through Lucas and I a wedding shower. We were both so appreciative of that and it was really not something that we ever would have expected.
Our gifts.

It was kinda funny because we had to drive back to Oklahoma with our gifts so they kept saying things like you guys are going to need a uhaul to get all these big boxes home. However, when we opened them all they were mostly filled with newspaper with an envelope that had a gift card, making our packing to come home very easy. I feel very blessed to be joining a family as sweet as theirs.

I'm standing on a step to make me tall =)

We even got some cake cutting practice. =)
I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to take this trip with them. I really enjoyed every minute of it.
