Saturday, December 19, 2009

Reasons why you should tip your server

After several tables decided to not tip me this week, I decided to write a list of reasons why you should tip your server.

1. They get paid 2.13 an hour. Since that all goes to taxes, your tip is their paycheck.

2. You most likely have no idea what it's like to be a server, so don't start griping over something that probably wasn't their fault. For example, cold food. Does the server look like a cook? No. Ask nicely or suck it up.

3. See number 1.

4. I understand that servers do make mistakes sometimes. But my guess is, it's not a life or death matter. So, if your server isn't quick enough to fill the drinks once, it'll be okay. More than once, then you can be a little upset.

5. See number 1.

6. While your server's job is to wait on you, it is not their only one. They have several other things they are having to do at the same time. Where I work, here's a few more of my other jobs: roll silverware, fill up the biscuits, make sweet tea, make coffee, bus tables, run food to tables, and keep things clean. So don't expect them to just stand their at your beck and call for the 45 minutes that you are sitting there.

7. Oftentimes, servers only have two table sections. That means if you sit there at their table for an hour and then don't tip, they are counting on their one other table to tip at least $5.50 to bring them up to minimum wage.

8. Did I mention that servers only make $2.13 an hour.


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