Thursday, April 29, 2010


It's so weird to me how songs have such a crazy power of nostalgia. I'm gonna my iTunes on shuffle and give you a peek into how random this works.

(After writing this post I wanted to put in a small disclaimer. All ten of these songs remind me of high school. This doesn't mean I'm stuck on high school, it means my iTunes wanted to play songs that I've had on my iPod since high school. So, had it played new songs, it would have been much different.)

Ready for Love - Cascada
I'm pretty sure this would work for every song on that album. I seriously can smell Sonic when this song comes on. It's funny, cause the one time that I listened to this song at Sonic I was in the car...not inside. It's just weird to me. Because rather than reminding me of the boy I was with, or the weather outside, or anything that would make sense....I smell Sonic. Good times.

You Could Be Right - Salient
8th grade. I don't even know what about 8th grade. This music just makes me think of 8th grade. How strange.

No One to Share the Blame - Josh Gracin
This also works with the whole Josh Gracin cd. I got this CD the day before church camp one year. I believe 2003. I listened to it anytime I was in the dorm. It reminds me of fans blowing and sleeping bags.

Ever Lonely - Hanson
The fourth house I lived in. I thought I was Zac Hanson. No lie. I used to get milk cartons and use them as my drums while I listened to hanson. I remember dancing up and down the hallway screaming the lyrics. This was before the internet was a big thing, so, I used to listen to these songs over and over again until I had all the lyrics written down. I was only in fourth grade haha. So it took a while.

Happy Song - 3rd String Jesus
The night we recorded the chorus track for the YouthQuake CD. Not the recording though. After the recording. When I realized how much I liked Lucas. And how much I was ready to move on from silly high school relationships.

Penny and Me - Hanson
One late night, playing Polish Pool with the girls. I threw a pool ball into the wall...oops haha.

Tia Dalma - Hans Zimmer
Pasadena. The Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney Land. Haha. Good times. For some reason that immediately brings me to Rebecca Trout sticking a toe in her mouth...or something. It's a very unclear memory haha.

One Short Day - Kristen Chenoweth
Chicago. New York City. And best of all. Tulsa.

I Feel Bad - Rascal Flatts
I had a pretty significant break-up junior year. This song spoke very true of me and how I felt. After one night of tears I was good. I wasn't near as upset as everyone expected me to be.

Dancing Through Life - Wicked
This one's easy. Me and Abigail singing parts of this song...over and over and over again. At school, at work, at church, on facebook. Everywhere haha.

This is why I love music so much. Music is such a powerful thing. It can make you happy, or sad. It can remind you of things you haven't thought about in years. I just love music.

It's also crazy to me that it can change. For example. 2 years ago, Cascada would me make me think of Billy. No question. But now. Sonic. Crazy. But I love it.
