Wednesday, May 26, 2010


After being done with school for about two weeks I finally get to start summer on Friday. I'm kinda excited to move off campus and back home. We'll see how I feel in a week haha. There are so many things this summer that I'm looking forward to. So, I've decided to talk about them.

1. Sister. I love my sister. A lot. And I get to move home and spend a lot more time with her this summer than I got to last summer. I like how far apart we are. I think 4 years is a really good distance. However, sometimes I think it's too close. Yesterday, she went on a date with someone that I knew in high school. I used to think he was so cute. Haha. Trust me, he wasn't cute when he was taking my little sister on a date haha.

2. Las Vegas. I'm going to Vegas with my family and Lucas for my 21st birthday. I'm pretty excited about that. It's gonna be so fun. I'll get to spend a whole week with my boyfriend!

3. Trumpet. I always seem to play more at church in the summer. And I love playing.

4. Youth Quake. I'm most likely going to YQ on the cook team. I'm pretty excited about serving God in that way.

5. Swimming. I've never been so excited about going swimming as I am this year. I don't konw why I just really want to swim and be outside and enjoy the warm sun.

I think those are the main things.

Also, this summer I am going to really focus on working on relationships in my life. I want to do this while it's the only thing I truly have to focus on. It'll be good.
