Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What my amazing boyfriend did for me

Last week I posted a bucket list on my blog. I really never know who is gonna read my blog. Sometimes my boyfriend does, sometimes he doesn't. Or maybe he always does. He just usually doesn't say whether he did or not. So, I never know. This time was no different. I posted my post and went on with my life. That night, he told me that he had a date he wanted to do with me and that we should do it Sunday. I was excited, as I always am for dates, but had no idea what we were going to do.

Finally, Sunday came and after church and a few errands we made our way to his house. He had to get some things together so he went to his room and I went and sad in his living room. Then, he came back, carrying a bow and arrow! #28 on my list, in case you didn't know haha. It was such an amazing surprise.

We spent about an hour shooting at pizza boxes and I had so much fun. We ended up losing our three arrows or we probably would have kept going haha. I'm so grateful that I have a boyfriend who listens to things I want and does something about it. I love him. Now time for pictures:

I'm very excited to shoot this weapon that's as tall as me haha.

Uh oh. This is gonna be harder than it looks.

What perfect form I have. =)

My wonderful boyfriend. Who I love a whole lot.

Yep. I did that. =)
