Wednesday, January 12, 2011

10 Exciting Things

This is a list of 10 exciting things that have happened to me since the last time I posted.

1. I started my last real semester of school. Next semester I'll just be student teaching so everything will be different. Not so much class and such. Woohoo!

2. I got a new job working for Campfire USA. I haven't gotten thrown in to it all yet so I'm still just working on getting trained and such. I'm really gonna enjoy this opportunity so I'm pretty excited about it. Plus I'll get to use my wonderful teaching skills I've been learning.

3. A couple of my friends and I recieve free tickets to see Burn the Floor. That was a really cool thing and I'm glad we were all able to go do that together.

4. I've started eating fruit with every meal. I seriously feel healthier so I'm pretty excited about that. It's a good start to my new plan to eat healthy.

5. I started running again. I was pretty sure I'd be very out of shape but it's actually not too bad. I should be ready for a 10k by the end of the semester. Yay!

6. I've kinda rearranged my daily schedule a bit. I actually get up with plenty of time to go running/workout, shower, eat breakfast, and do my devo. At first I worried that getting up early would suck but it actually is working really well. I just have to continue going to bed a little early.

7. I have gotten closer to my graduation. It's like 340 days away now. That's really exciting to me. I believe I'll be the first in my family to graduate with a Batchelor's.

8. Lucas an I's realtionship has grown even stronger I think. I look foward to seeing what 2011 holds for the two of us.

9. All of my classes seem to be okay. I was a little worried that this year was going to be a lot more difficult but I think I'm going to be okay. I just need to relax and get through this last semester.

10. I really thought I could surely come up with 10 exciting things but I think I'll just have to stick with 9. Sorry. =/