January: I started my sixth semester of college. That semester was probably one of the hardest and trying times of my life because of my French class. I struggled a lot this month trying to find out how I was supposed to make it through French, as well as maintain a real life outside of class.
February: This is the month that I got to teach my first full lesson to a classroom. It completely solidified my desire to be a teacher. It was very wonderful to completely feel like my life was on the right track.
March: I started guitar in March. After 8 months of lessons I quit because I don't have money for it. But guitar is wonderful. I felt so relaxed while getting to play. It was a really wonderful feeling. Music is definitely important to me.
April: I don't really remember April too well. I don't think anything to exciting happened then. However, this was around the time that Lucas started thinking about going to OSU. That was a really rough patch for me.
May: I finished my French class with a B. I can't even describe what a wonderful feeling that was.
June: This month I wrote a bucket list. It was something I had been wanting to do for a long time and I finally sat down and did it. I also completed a few things on it. Thanks to my awesome boyfriend. Number 28, shoot a bow and arrow:
August: I started my last normal fall semester. My next fall semester I'll be student teaching so I don't really count that. Lucas also moved to Stillwater. This was extremely difficult for me to handle at first but I think I'm getting slightly better. It's also getting harder and harder to say goodbye. The good news: There should be less than a year left of long distance. I'll be moving to Stillwater one way or another at the end of 2011. I also went on a road trip with one of my friends. We were Hanson groupies for a couple of days. It was a blast.
September: This month I got to start teaching fifth graders. I loved them even more than the fourth graders that I had the previous semester. I can only hope that I end up teaching fifth grade. It was such a rewarding experience and I loved every minute of it. I also met with the dean about one of my professors, not that it did any good =/. But I was happy that I at least tried to take a stand against her.
October: This was a huge month for me. I succeeded in running my first 5k Ever. It was absolutely amazing to do something like that that before I didn't think was possible. Crossing the finish line:November: Thanksgiving this month was pretty fantastic. It was the first Thanksgiving in awhile that I was able to have my whole family together. It felt so right. It was wonderful.
December: This past month has had many ups and downs all on it's own. But the some of the best things were: I got a 4.0! Lucas came home for 3 weeks! Christmas!
That is all for 2010. Expect a post about my New Year's Resolutions later this week. I've really been thinking about them a lot and I'm excited to see how they turn out.