Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I did it!!

Here's a few things I did, and a few I'm going to do.

Did: At the beginning of the semester, I made a decision to make a 4.0. I was going to do whatever I needed to achieve it. Today, I can proudly say that I did it. This is my first college semester to make straight A's and it was a really good feeling...of I feel like I shouldn't do worse than a 4.0 ever again. But that's okay. I can do it...maybe.

Did: I completed my 7th semester of college. That's a lot of college! Only 2 to go!

Did: I, after watching the lunar eclipse last night, was able to mark another thing off of my bucket list. "See an eclipse." Woohoo!

Going to do: I'm going to have to go back to the dentist....when you're working so hard to get a 4.0 you neglect other taking care of your teeth. I hadn't been to the dentist in over two all things considered, two little fillings aren't that bad...right? Blah. I hate the dentist.

Going to do: I have to get my wisdom teeth out. Luckily, I only have two teeth on the bottom. But still. I've never had any kind of surgery so I'm not looking forward to scheduling that appointment this summer.

Going to do: I'm going to cook my first every family meal on Christmas Eve. My family does a traditional Christmas Eve Brunch and this year it's at my apartment. I've never cooked for 9 people before. But I can do it! Especially if Lucas helps me. We'll see how it goes. I'll let you know.

I'll keep you updated on all my things I'm going to do. Now it's time to crochet so maybe I can get something else off my bucket list this year.


1 comment:

Steph T. said...

Look at you Susie homemaker fixing a meal for your fam. SO proud of you for making a 4.0. Smarty pants!! You are almost done...hang in there!!
Love ya