Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's December!

First, I want to say that I had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I am so blessed to have two amazing families to share the holidays with. And both of them are so helpful in working with each other to ensure that Lucas and I am both able to spend the holidays with our family. It's a beautiful thing. Now, on to December.

I feel like I have a completely renewed energy now that it's December. So many exciting things happen in December. So, I'm gonna tell you all the things I'm excited about.

One thing I am most excited about is the end of this semester. I am very close to being done and it is really relieving. I have worked incredibly hard this semester so I'm so anxious to see my grades and feel somewhat rewarded for all of my hardwork. Not to mention I'll only have two semesters left after this one is over. And one of those is student teaching!

Another thing I am excited about is Christmas Break. Lucas will be home for probably around 3 weeks. This is a wonderful wonderful thing. It's going to be a really good break because this long distance thing can really wear on your relationship. However, I can say that me and Lucas have handles this semester fairly successfully I think. Only a few (hundred) breakdowns on my part. Luckily, he's strong and I can lean on him when I really just want to give up on life.

This is probably a pretty obvious one...but...CHRISTMAS. I don't think I've ever been happier with my gift ideas and I just love Christmastime. The whole Christmas atmosphere is fun. I love Christmas movies, and Christmas lights, and Christmas songs, and Christmas church services, and just Christmas. Everything about it. I bought some cute snowman Christmas decorations that I have throughout my house and it just really brightens my mood. Next on my list of decorations to purchase: a nativity scene. It's definintely not Christmas without Jesus.

My friend Emily is getting married in December. I'm really excited for her because I know she's been waiting for this for a long time. They'll have been engaged for like a year and 8 months I think. That's crazy! But, I'm excited for that.

Last but not least, I'm excited for the date Dec. 17th. This will be the point where my graduation countdown finally rolls over to less than one year. I could not possibly be more excited about this.

So see, like I said, I have tons of things to be excited about in December. This is really gonna help me to be patient and happy with where my life is right now.


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