Monday, December 13, 2010

Ramblings from my brain.

There's a lot that has been weighing on my mind lately so I just wanted to unload a bit.

A couple weeks ago I was made aware of something that I can't seem to stop thinking about. I am not going to go into detail about the people involved or specifics, but a couple weeks ago I was with a group of 7 girls. Of those seven girls, 4 (that I know of), had been molested as a child. This is a HUGE number. And I don't like it at all. I feel so much like God wanted me to find that out. Hearing that, combined with my love of children, has made me feel like I need to do something in some way to help these children. I don't know what, or how I am going to do this. It's just something that has been weighing on my mind. No one should have to go through what those 4 girls went through.

Tomorrow marks the end of the Fall 2010 semester for me. It's so crazy to me that I have made it through 7 out of the 9 semesters I have. I feel like this semester I have overcome a lot. My boyfriend and I have been apart. I have had to deal with a professor who is by far the worst professor ever. I lived completely alone this semester, which was quite a big adjustment for me. It's been good. I will actually feel accomplished tomorrow after I turn in my last project I think. Woohoo.

I actually don't have a lot to say on this post currently. Just had a few things to get out.


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