Sunday, January 1, 2012

The last three months

Once again, I have waited entirely too long to blog. I think this is probably because over the past two and a half months, I have been incredibly busy getting things checked off my bucket list. For example, I finished student teaching, I got married, I graduated, and I went on a cruise. How's that for a thesis sentence? Now it's obvious exactly what I'm about to talk about. =)

First off, I did the second half of my student teaching. I want to start out by saying that the second half started off horribly. This is not an exaggeration. I came home for the first week and I was just so anxious for it to be over. I was uncomfortable around the teachers, I didn't like the school, I didn't like the principal, and the students were quick to tell me about all the other student teachers they had had and how awesome they had been. After the first couple of weeks things started to settle down quite a bit. I started enjoying it quite a bit more. It never could live up to the first half of my student teaching, but everything turned out okay.

Right in the middle of my student teaching I got to marry my bestest friend. I can honestly say that up until now, that was the best day of my life. I don't think that anything could have been more perfect. Everything that I had worked so hard on and stressed about for the past 9 months just fell into place. It was wonderful. I feel like this day deserves a whole blog of it's own so sometime in the next week, that will happen. For sure. With all kinds of pictures.

Three weeks after my wedding I got to walk down another aisle of sorts as I graduated. While the four and a half years seemed to take forever, as I walked across the stage I realized how short it had been. My high school graduation took place in the same building that my college graduation did. It literally felt like I had just walked across that stage to receive my high school diploma. It's so crazy how time flies. I'm so glad that I now have my college degree and can work towards starting my career. When I look around at how much debt other people have gathered through student loans I feel incredibly blessed that I was able to do it almost completely debt free. I'm confident now that I made the right decision going to TU instead of OSU. God definitely knew what he was doing pushing me there.

Immediately after graduation (literally), I left with my new in-laws for a cruise. I was apprehensive about going right up to the minute I stepped on the ship. After the business of the last semester, I really just wanted to go home and be with my husband. However, I had an amazing time on the cruise. It was very relaxing and fun. I'm already looking forward to the next cruise that Lucas and I can go on. I think it might be my vacation  of choice now. =)

Here's an updated bucket list:

1. Run a 5k    10/16/2010
2. Learn to play guitar
3. Become a certified elementary teacher
4. Attend a major sporting event, i.e. NFL game, Olympic event
5. Swim with a dolphin
6. Spend time traveling Europe
7. Run a 10k
8. Take a cake decorating class
9. Be an audience member at a TV show filming
10. Visit Hawaii
11. Take a dance class
12. Ride in a helicopter
13. Run a marathon
14. Do some sort of –athalon: bi- or tri-       4/17/2011
15. Go scuba diving
16. Walk through a tree in the Redwood Forest
17. See an eclipse      12/21/2010
18. See a meteor shower
19. Sleep under the stars
20. Learn how to juggle
21. Pay off a car all by myself     3/26/2010
22. Pay off a house
23. Go do a concert, a big one
24. Get married       11/20/2011
25. Raise children
26. Earn a college degree     12/17/2011
27. Watch the ball drop in Time Square
28. Shoot a bow and arrow    6/6/2010
29. Shoot a gun at a shooting range
30. Visit Sydney, Australia
31. Go skiing
32. Go up in a hot air balloon
33. Earn a black belt in taekwondo, or other martial art
34. Read the entire Harry Potter series in a week
35. Crochet an entire blanket      12/28/2010
36. Try vegetarianism for a month…or week
37. Start a collection, and own 50 of that object
38. Fly first class
39. Go on a cruise         12/18/2011
40. Go snow-shoeing
41. Stay in a yurt
42. Survive my first year of teaching
43. Earn a minor in French   5/6/2010
44. Dance in the rain    5/27/2010
45. Watch all six Star Wars movies in a week
46. Fake a sick day to stay home with my husband
47. Name a daughter Hannah
48. Be in two places at once   7/6/2010
49. Have 3 tattoos
50. Stand at the 4 corners
51. Have at least one friend that I know I can count on
52. Adopt an animal from a shelter

Well on my way to completion someday.


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