Thursday, October 20, 2011

20 days later

Apparently I only post when I'm at Lucas's apartment waiting for him to get out of class. But that's okay.

I successfully completed the first round of my student teaching. With flying colors might I add. I was told by several teachers and even the vice principal how happy they were to have me there. I really enjoyed my time there and I really really really hope that someday I am able to go back and work with those people for real. So, with that being said, one of those teachers that I loved working with so much needs to quit so I can replace them. =) Okay, I'm just kidding...but really. I miss those seventh graders so much. The fifth graders that I am with now are a huge change. And I don't deal with change very well.

The first day at my new school I left in tears. I didn't think that I was ever going to be able to survive 7 weeks there. I spent way to much time comparing it to how awesome Owasso was which made me incredibly unhappy with how it was. But, after only three days there, my attitude about it is so much better. I actually enjoyed my second and third day and have already started getting to know my kids so much. I know that at the end of this seven weeks I will be missing them just as much as I miss my seventh graders now.

On another note, I'm getting married in one month from today! One month! That's just 31 days! I'm so incredibly excited. People keep asking me if I'm nervous and I'm really not. Am I supposed to be? haha. I'm just really ready for all the planning to come together and have a wonderful wedding with all my friends and family and then be able to call Lucas my husband! Soooo much excitement haha.

Currently I'm in the process of writing my senior paper. Less than 2 months to graduation and I am 5/7 of the way done. I have been moving through it so quickly and it's a really good feeling every time I get another section complete. I'd like to have it all done before my wedding so I can not be stressed about it right before or after. I'm well on my way to meeting that goal.

One more thing: I passed my teachers tests! That means that I am not required to take any more tests to become a teacher. Woohoo! Okay, that is all.


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