Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend Camping Trip

This past weekend I went on a camping trip with my family. Three things happened that I would like to share.

1. I hurt myself. Not that this is a surprise. I pretty deeply bruised my shin on my left leg and on my right leg splattered hot grease. It was a good reminder that I am not a camper. =)

2. I watched my family have a sentimental moment. If someone would have told me 5 years ago that my entire family would be sitting around the table and almost all of us start crying for a good reason rather than a bad, I never would have believed it. It's such an amazing thing to me to see how much my family has come back together. It's truly a beautiful thing.

3. I played guitar for our two song worship service on Sunday morning. Now, this isn't a huge deal, it was only two songs, but it was really encouraging to me that I was able to play guitar well enough that someone could recognize the song and sing along with me. I hope to continue playing so I can play more than two songs next time.

Now, on a completely unrelated note. Lucas and I have our save the dates. YAY. We're getting married in less than six months and that's kinda hard to believe. We're trying to get as much wedding stuff done as we can while he's here for the summer so we're really trying to push through things. We've also finalized our wedding party and our guest list. Oh, and we have a pretty good idea of what our centerpieces are going to look like. Things really aren't nearly as stressful now that we're just having fun with it instead of arguing about everything. We also picked our colors. I hope to get bridesmaids dresses picked in the next few weeks. We're really just moving right along.

I've started my summer tutoring job. Currently I have one student named Brooke who I absolutely love. We have a lot of fun and today after we finished our session she went up to her mom and was telling her how much fun we had. I just hope she's learning, too. She really is just struggling with spelling so we're going to spend most of our time working on spelling. Tomorrow I start with my second student who I believe is named Julie. I haven't met her yet so I'm not positive if that is right. Her mom said that she's not really struggling with math too much but she wants me to just work with her over the summer so she doesn't forget everything. It's nice having a cash only $10 an hour job.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"A Place Called Morning"

Recently I've been reading a book called "A Place Called Morning," by Ann Tatlock. It's a Christian book and I very rarely read Christian book for pleasure. It's actually been perfect considering everything that's going on right now. The main character in the book is named Mae.

At the beginning of the book, Mae talks about how growing up she felt like she lived in a bubble. She felt like tragedy could not get in this bubble and that her and her family were safe from any and all danger. I feel like I relate to this so much. I have been so blessed. I had a safe childhood. I was happy. I mean, yes, I came from a family that could be considered broken, but I don't ever remember that truly affecting my happiness. I'm 21 years old and I have never been close to death. No relatives and no friends. Of course, I've seen death. There have been distant friends, people I went to school with or people that I knew of.

I feel like the past few weeks have really opened my eyes to the fact that I'm not in a bubble. I'm not necessarily safe from tragedy and I should not be living so carelessly as if I am. This recent devastating tornado in Joplin really has affected me more than I ever though it could. Normally when big tornadoes happen, they are in far off towns that I've never heard of. This was in Joplin. Joplin, MO. The town that I have had so memories and I'm not even one of the thousands of people living there. I know people there. A lot of people. I know places there. It's just such a bizarre feeling.

In my book when Mae realizes that she is not in a bubble she is hit hard. Her brother dies, at a young age, soon followed by her mother a few years later, then her father, then her husband a few years later. All of these people were young at the time of their deaths. After these four deaths she became very beaten down, and then after an accident that took place in her house, she feels responsible for the death of her grandson. Not even 5 years later, while she is still mourning this loss, her house catches on fire and she loses everything. Two weeks after that, at the age of 52 she finds out that she was adopted as a baby.

Throughout the story she turns further and further away from God. While I have not finished the book, I know that she is about to have a major turning back to God.

The main thing that I am getting out of this story, combined with all the craziness of this past week, is to not pull away from God. I can't start blaming him and I can't turn my back on Him. Times of tragedy are the times that we should find comfort in the relationship that we have already built with God. It should make our relationship stronger, not weaker.

I just needed to share.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How I Met Your Father, Part 3

The Engagement

Lucas and I decided to get away for a few days over Spring break. So we decided that we would go to OKC and do some fun things there. A few weeks before we left I was so convinced that he was going to propose while we were there...however, about a week before we went I had lost all hope haha. I even told a few people that I was a little sad cause I had originally thought he was going to propose and it turns out he wasn't going to.

It started like most Sundays, I got up early to play my trumpet at church. I joined Lucas for second service. After church we left for OKC. At one point when we went to eat he paid for something and I noticed his wallet was in his side pocket of his shorts rather than h is back pocket. Little did I know it was because my ring was also there so he put his wallet there so I wouldn't be able to tell. He probably was a little nervous when I mentioned that I noticed haha.

Later that day we went to the OKC National Memorial. I had never been before and I was blown away by how emotional it was. Both Lucas and I left pretty upset about the whole thing. I even said, "We should get engaged to cheer ourselves up." It's funny now looking back at that. Sunday evening we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I was kinda surprised we were going somewhere so nice but didn't even think anything of it.

Eventually we made it back to our hotel for the evening. We were just hanging out watching tv when a David's Bridal commercial came on. I said something about how I hate those commercials and he said something like just be patient. I'm not exactly sure what was said. Then, he told me he was going to love me forever. And I was like oh is this the lead in to your proposal...(I sure was pushy haha.) Again he said something to the effect of just be patient.

After watching tv for a bit I got up to use the restroom. At this point it was getting later in the evening so in no way was I expecting what happened when I came out of the bathroom. Lucas was immediately outside the door, down on one knee, holding the ring that I had hoped for for so long. I couldn't even believe it. My first words were "are you serious?" He then asked me to marry him to which I replied yes! I don't really remember another time in my life where I have felt so overwhelming happy and at peace. It was so obvious to me that we were making the right decision in moving forward with our relationship. I love him. Tremendously.

Right After

My beautiful ring!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The last few weeks.

Don't worry, I'll get to part three, but first I'd like to update on a few things that I've done in the past month.

The first thing was I bought a wedding dress. I cannot tell you how exciting that was to me. I haven't really been able to do too much wedding planning because I've been so busy with school so this was really the first big thing that I got to do. I can't wait until Lucas moves home soon so we can really jump into planning.

I accomplished something else on my bucket list. I did a sprint triathlon. I didn't do very well time wise but I finished and that was my biggest goal. I cannot wait for my next triathlon so I can improve my time. It was so much fun!

Yesterday I took 9 third through fifth graders on a camp out. This was a big deal for so many reasons. I had to drive a 15 passenger van, which wasn't so bad once I got used to it but it was very stressful at first. I was the only adult in charge of my kids, yes there were other adults there, but they were all worried about their kids. I had to have a cook out with all those kids. It was really important to the camp directors that we let the kids do as much as they could. So, it was a bit stressful stepping back and letting the kids try to start a fire and cook their own food. But, I did it, and we really only had two minor incidents. Kelcie rubbed her arms raw on a tire swing, and Kelcie got punched in the chest by another girl. Notice a trend here...Kelcie =) Overall, it was pretty fun. All of my kids were sad to go home and had a lot of fun. I also learned a lot more about these students. They are some really great kids.

And finally, I finished my fourth year of college. I'm fairly certain that I'll have another 4.0 this semester but it's possible that I will get one B. Still, it's been good. I'm thoroughly excited that I'll be graduating in 8 months with a GPA well over 3.5. It's been a lot of work, that's for sure.

I'll try to do part 3 this week.
