Tuesday, October 19, 2010

5th Graders and 5k's

Last week was my last week with my fifth grade class. I was a lot more sad then I thought I would be. 3 hours, once a week, is not nearly enough. I'm so excited to be a teacher. It will be so amazing.

With that being said I want to tell you about my teacher moment I had in the classroom last week. I felt like such a teacher haha. One of my fifth graders, Libby, came up to me and said, "Ms. Kristina, I don't know how to write a summary." So I responded with, "Well, Libby, I've never read this story so I need you to tell me what happens in it." She took off, cause fifth graders love to talk, and told me a 5 minute overview of what happened in the story. Here, I cut her off and said, "Libby, what have you been doing for the past five minutes." Immediately her eyes lit up. "I've been summarizing!" So then I told her she just needed to write it down like she was telling someone the story who had never read it. It was really neat to me. I love teaching.

Since it was my last week, I have to move to 2nd graders next week. I'm slightly worried about this because I've never been with children that young in a classroom setting. I taught 2nd graders at church but that is so much different. Plus, going from 5th to 2nd is a huge change. Agh! I really just can't wait until I get my own class for a whole year!

Several months ago I posted my bucket list. I've been slowly working on things on it and this past weekend I ran my first 5k. I was so thrilled to be able to finish. I've been training for the past two months or so but I still wasn't sure I was ready. I finished in 31:19 so I was very happy with my time. Not bad for my first 5k that I didn't even think I could finish. haha. Here are some pics from the race.

Shanna, my sister, ran too.

Crossing the finish line!

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