Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oh my oh my

Wow. It's been so long again. It's so hard for me to get in a routine over the summer, but now that it's the school year again, I should definitely be a more regular poster. Once again, here's another catch up on my life recently.

1. Lucas moved to Stillwater. This, of course, is the worst thing ever. I hate so much that he's not here for me to see everyday. But, we're surviving so far. And I only have 47 more weeks of school. =) It'll be done in no time...right? Then I'll move to Stillwater and start being a real grown up.

2. I'm back in my apt. I really love living here. It's pretty much the only reason that I like school anymore haha.

Speaking of school, it started last week. I've just decided to talk about each of my classes instead of updating you on my life....get over it. It's my blog haha.

Geology : I'm taking this class with my mother. It's fun. And interesting I think. And the only class I've ever taken with a lab. Labs suck. haha.

Reading for Elementary : Oh my. This professor is such an awful professor. It's kinda sad because she also taught the Math for Elementary class. So you'd think they'd have a good professor teaching what they say are the most important subjects. But whatever. I just have to get through this semester. The full name of the class is methods for teaching reading to an elementary child...and on the first day of class she said, "I'm not gonna teach you how to teach, I'm going to talk to you like you already know." We're confused, because the purpose of this class is to teach us how to teach...whatever.

Social Studies for Elementary : I love this class. My professor is incredibly good and since she recently taught elementary school she actually knows what to tell us. I like her a lot. I'm learning more in this class than I've learned in any of my other methods classes and it's only been a week and a half.

Creative Dramatics : This class is just fun. We have to do a lot of theatrical stuff but none of us know each other so it's a lot easier to just be goofy and do the crazy activities that we have to do. Lots of pantomine and improve. Good times.

Educational Technology : This class teaches us how to use things in the classroom for eductional reasons, like powerpoint and smartboard, and elmo, and other things like that. It's really interesting and helpful to my technologically challenged self.

Okay. That's all I think. Thanks for listening/reading.


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