Monday, September 6, 2010


I have a few things that I'm having to struggle hard to refuse right now. But I'm surviving. I just want to talk about it so I can feel more confident in my no's.

School Stress
I vowed to make this semster calmer, to not take on so many things, and to just relax instead of becoming completely overwhelmed by school and what comes with it. I'm only two weeks into the semester and it's been incredibly difficult to stay true to this. I will be so glad when my methods classes are over. It's hard to handle one of my professors and this should be the last time I have to answer to her like this. She makes no sense in the way she teaches and I feel like it's impossible for me to learn anything from her.

Relationship Stress
For the first time in a very long time, I feel very confident in the friendships that I do have. I feel like I can lean on them when things to happen and they will actually care It's very nice. So this stress, is a lot easier for me to say no to. I don't have to stress about these things.

Staying supportive and happy for all of my friends who are getting married is getting harder and harder. I am still very happy for them, it's just so hard to not be jealous. It sucks seeing everyone else getting something that I want so badly. So, I really need prayer to stay happy with my life and where it's at right now, regardless of how difficult it is.

I'll be honest. No one reads this blog anyways haha. So I'll talk about my "tabou" issues. Yes, I'm 21 and have been in a relationship for 3 years, but I'm still a virgin. In a culture that says people should have sex, this is incredibly difficult. So please, if you do happen to read this, pray for me in that. I need all the support I can get in saying no.

For awhile I was doing really get at staying patient and slow to get angry. That seems to have all dissapeared. I need to gain my patience back cause I was much happier with that.

I think that's all I have for you for now. Thanks for reading.


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