Thursday, July 15, 2010

So long

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted. Summer has a way of making time go about 18 times faster than normal. I sincerely apologize for my absence. Mostly to myself because I want this blog to be something I can look back on in the future and right now, I have a very splotchy past haha. So, I'll catch up on a few things that have happened.

1. I've attended a ton of weddings. This age is just a crazy one where everyone I know is getting married. It's cool though. I enjoy getting ideas. I think I've wanted to do something in my wedding from each of the weddings I've attended.

2. Going to all these weddings has shown me again how much I would love to do wedding/event planning. I can't wait till next semester as an ACA when I get to plan more events. I already have so many ideas. With that being said, I'm really hoping someday in the future I can plan things on the side of teaching...or maybe in place of teaching. I don't know. I guess I'll just see what God has planned for me.

3. I turned 21. It's true. I'm now officially an adult.

4. I went to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, and Hoover Dam with my family and Lucas. It was a great trip and I feel blessed to be able to travel so much with my family.

5. I bought designer shoes. I didn't know I had it in me to do something like that haha but I bought some Coach shoes. And I love them.

6. In the past month since I posted Lucas and I have gotten about 8000 times closer/happier. For awhile our relationship was really struggling but we've been working incredibly hard to work together instead of against each other. It's been incredibly challenging but also incredibly rewarding. That was way too many incredibly's in a sentence. Oh well.

7. I'm still doing guitar lessons. And I still love it. Music has such a calming effect on me. I wish that I could play my trumpet or guitar for a living. But essentially that's unrealistic I think. And I don't want it to be something I have to do, just something I want to do.

8. I got a credit card. Don't worry, I don't need the lecture on how credit cards are bad. I think that I am pretty well organized and responsible so I'll be okay. And it's really just for big purchases that I have money for I just don't want to spend all the money at once. So, it'll be good. It also has a really low limit. So I can't get in too much trouble. It makes me feel old haha.

9. I have to move back into school in less than a month. That's so ridiculous. I can't believe how fast this summer has gone. I'm excited about school, not excited about Lucas leaving. Which brings me to ten.

10. Lucas is going to OSU in the fall. I'm just hoping for lots of prayer and support from my friends and family so we can once again do this long-distance thing. Blah. We'll be okay.

Okay. That's all. See, I don't know why I haven't written because I had a lot to write about.


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