Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A la guerre, vraiment?

It's been awhile. I know. It's more difficult than I expected for me to find time to write on here. Mostly because I'm so exhausted all the time. Also because my thoughts are so tangled with French that it's sometimes difficult for me to think for long periods of time in English.

It's been an okay week. My family was here for a lot of it. So that was awesome getting to see them and such.

Last Friday we went to Avignon. That was my favorite place so far. We took an audioguided tour through le palais du paupes. I think that's how you spell it. Anyways, it's where popes used to live. I believe it was before there was a Vatican city. But i'm not sure on that information. Bertrand even let us listen to the tour in English. So we were very excited about that.

I'm starting to learn the ways of the Arlesians a little more I think. They do things so much differently. Dinner never consists of one course, it comes in three, or sometimes first. Eating is definitely my favorite thing here. There has really only been one meal that I didn't like. And that's because it was some weird fish stuff. I really enjoy eating outside, however, it has to be hot when we eat outside or "les moustiques" eat us a live. I have so many mosquito bites it's ridiculous.

My classes haven't really gotten any better. But that's okay because I'm halfway done with them. I'm also halfway done with Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and almost Tuesdays. Personally, I think that's exciting. I have a countdown to when I come back home, and I definitely like the number being in the 20s rather than the 40s. In a few days it'll be in the teens, and that is very exciting.

On Friday, I'm taking a trip to Paris with some of the other IES students. I think that it will be fun, and it will help to pass the time.

While here, I've realized just how shy I am. It's difficult enough for me to talk to strangers in English, but, en francais? C'est impossible! Okay. It's not really impossible. It's just really hard.

I guess I should talk about the title of this post haha. A few days ago we were stitting at lunch. Oh. Sidenote, Monday through Wednesday we eat lunch with the other IES students and some of our professors. It's really cool and very language intensive. Anyways, we were at an IES lunch and someone said they had to go to the gare to get their train tickets. The french word for gare, is pronounced gaaaar. If that makes any sense. Only, this person said it how it looks, like a word that rhymes with care. Anyways, the way she said it was the word "guerre" which means war. So she told the professor she was going to war. And it was funny. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to post that story in English and describe the sounds, but, there you go. Sorry if you don't understand.

Anyways. I'm going to go now. I'm very tired.

Au revoir!

1 comment:

Lucas said...

honey. i love you. and i miss you. we're almost halfway there.. it'll be over soon. i love you so much