Wednesday, July 15, 2009

J'aime le buerre de cacahuetes.

Another week is nearing an end. And yes, while it feels like I have been here forever. It has gone by quickly. If that makes any sense at all. I spent the week-end in Paris. Therefore. I have a lot to talk about.

It all started Friday morning. At 7 o'clock to be exact. We all walked down to the gare. Ready and excited for the adventure ahead of us. We all love the TGV and it has quickly become our favorite way to travel. The TGV is a big train that goes all through France. It's great because one, it's air conditioned, and two, it's fast. So, we got into Paris around 11:00.

After navigating the subway systems and getting lost in the 14th, we found our hotel. And what a nice hotel it was. The people were so nice. It was kinda funny, because she spoke english to us, and we responded in French without even really realizing it. Good times.

After finding our hotel we decided that finding food would be an awesome idea. So, it was off to a supermarche. We all bought stuff for a picnic and returned to the hotel to have a picnic on a hotel bed. It was great. We then decided to be a little more ambitious. We traveled back into the center of Paris and went to an Andy Warhol exhibit that was at the bottom of the champs elysees. It was really neat and I think we all enjoyed that. By this time, of course, we were hungry again. It's amazing how often we ate. But we ate at a cafe and then we got on a boat called the Bateaux Mauche. It took us on the Seine around Paris. It was very beautiful and a great way to see Paris by night.

Saturday was my favorite day. We went to Versaille and went to the Palace and the gardens. The gardens were my favorite part. We had brought food and so we had a picnic in the gardens and also rented bikes for an hour and rode around. It was so pretty and one of the most relaxing things ever. Saturday night we wanted to chill because we'd been going so much. So we returned to the hotel, for another picnic in the room for dinner, and then we went to see Public Enemies. It was an okay movie, but the part I liked was that it was in English with French subtitles. We all enjoyed reading the subtitles because it was interesting to see how they translated certain things.

Sunday we got up early and went to Musee d'Orsay as well as the Pompidou. I liked both of those museums a lot and hope to someday go back and visit them when I have a little more time. It was my first time to be at a museum with really famous artists. I enjoyed it a lot.

Monday we went up to Sacre Couer. That's a big church on top of a big hill. Not only is the church beautiful, but it gives a beautiful view of Paris. We then were all anxious to get home.

It was so weird to us how we all felt like we were going home. On Friday, when I left, I would never have thought of this place as home, but after having been in Paris all week-end, it was home. I was happy to be home and it was good for me because it gave me new confidence. I only have 15 days left and then I'm leaving. I just have to make the best of it and keep going.

Yesterday was Bastille Day. For those who don't know, it's basically France's independence day. I was really excited to get to see fireworks since I didn't get to on my birthday. They were really pretty because they did them on the far bank of the Rhone river. That way, everyone was on the other side. It was beautiful because you could see the reflections of the fireworks in the water. Also, there was a boat in the middle of the river that had fireworks coming off of it. It was just good.

School is going okay. I only have 7 days of class left. So that's good.

Okay. That's all for now.

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