Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Annecy, c'est beau.

Once again another week has passed. The good news this time is that there is only one more. Yep, that's right. In 9 days I will be back in the wonderful United States.

Last week went very fast. We only had two days of class so it wasn't really a big deal. And then on Friday we went to St. Remy's de Provence. That's a city that van Gogh spent a lot of time in. It's where the mental hospital that he stayed in is. It was kinda neat to see his room and where he lived. There was also a bunch of roman ruins in this town. They had just recently been dug up, like within the last 100 years. It was really really cool to see because the ruins were still so intact. You could still see the structures of the buildings.

Saturday I went to Lyon with Lexy and Jared. It was fun we just hung out and walked around all day. Lyon is the third largest city in France, but yet, there wasn't a whole lot to see. However, it was a lot more modern than Paris and a lot more relaxed.

Sunday was the best day I've had here I think. Me and Lexy went to Annecy. I'm completely in love with that town. It's so beautiful. It's a small town that is located at the foot of the Alps. It has a beautiful lake at the edge of the town and on the other side of the lake is the Alps. The lake was crystal clear and it looked more like a pool than a lake. Me and Lexy rented paddle boats and went out onto the water. It was so fun.

On Monday IES decided that all of us students should attend the theater festival in Avignon. So we all were brought back to Avignon. It was a really long day. And the plays weren't very exciting. For the most part the plays were monologues, so it was very difficult for us to understand without much action.

Tuesday went by with nothing exciting happening. Once again though, I was glad to be home. It was a nice feeling.

This week is almost over and now I only have 3 days of class left. I'm so anxious to come home. It's all I think about all the time. I miss my boyfriend like crazy.

Well, I think that's all I have for now.

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