Sunday, September 26, 2010

Not too much going on

There hasn't been a whole lot going on with me lately. I had my meeting with the dean. That was good I guess. He didn't really solve anything I don't think but it was very stress relieving, and just a good release, to get everything out to him about that professor. He did listen and told me that he would set up a meeting with her. So maybe stuff will change...idk.

Long distance sucks. In case you were wondering. I hate it so much. But it's okay. I'll survive haha.

Recently I received a letter from a good friend that was one of the most encouraging things ever. I don't really know how to explain it because most people don't really understand what I needed encouragement about, but she did. It was beautiful. And I can honestly say that it has helped me tremendously over the last couple of weeks. Friends are great things to have.

This is an incredibly short choppy post. I just wanted to update but didn't have a big thing to talk about. Just lots of little things haha. Okay. Bye.


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