Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wonderful Day

I had such a good day today that I wanted to write about it.

First, I got to sleep in. This is always wonderful. But, usually I'm not very good at it. I usually wake up fairly early and then just lay in bed for a few minutes before deciding that I have better things to do with my life. But this morning, I actually slept until 10. It was wonderful.

Second, I went to the bank. I deposited about 100 more dollars than I thought that I had in my wallet. haha. So that was beautiful.

Third, I went to work. Today was my first day as a cashier and I feel like I learned everything very quickly. I hardly had any questions and I was getting pretty comfortable by the end of my shift.

Fourth, I had my weekly date night with Lucas. First we went to Compadres. Which is always yummy. And then we went to the movie theatre. Halfway between Compadres and the movie theatre the car died. In the middle of the road might I add. I think today was the first time me and Lucas have really worked together in a situation like that and stayed calm and patient as we figured out what to do. It was good. Then we saw "Did You Hear About the Morgans." It was a pretty good movie and I think it had some pretty good life lessons in it: Expect everything and ignore all the b.s.

Fifth, Lucas came back to my house and we just sad together and talked for an hour. It was nice. And perfect. I love him.

Woo. I'm tired now. But it was just such an amazing day I wanted to tell about it.


1 comment:

Steph T. said...

Maybe I should do the couch potato thing too...hmm. You have inspired me girl!