Friday, June 4, 2010

A pact to myself and a bucket list

I'm going to enjoy summer this year. Usually I fill it with so much stuff that I don't really have time to relax. This year it's gonna be different. I'm gonna ask off work to do things that people invite me to do. I'm gonna call-in occasionally so I can have some time with friends. It's definitely something I need to do. For example, in a couple of weeks, one of my friends that I made in France is coming through Tulsa and I'm gonna go have dinner with her. I'm so excited. I definitely wouldn't have enjoyed any of the time there if I hadn't met her. We did fun things together, like travel 3 hours by train to Lyon because it was the closest place that Harry Potter 6 was showing in English. It was definitely the funnest trip that I went on during those six weeks.

Over the past few months I've been writing a bucket list. I just add things to it as I think of them and I think that my list of 52 items is ready to share. This list will be edited as the years go by. But for now. I think its a wonderful start. I even have two things done already. So, here it is:

1. Run a 5k
2. Learn to play guitar
3. Become a certified elementary teacher
4. Attend a major sporting event, i.e. NFL game, Olympic event
5. Swim with a dolphin
6. Spend time traveling Europe
7. Run a 10k
8. Take a cake decorating class
9. Be an audience member at a TV show filming
10. Visit Hawaii
11. Take a dance class
12. Ride in a helicopter
13. Run a marathon
14. Do some sort of –athalon: bi- or tri-
15. Go scuba diving
16. Walk through a tree in the Redwood Forest
17. See an eclipse
18. See a meteor shower
19. Sleep under the stars
20. Learn how to juggle
21. Pay off a car all by myself 3/26/2010
22. Pay off a house
23. Go do a concert, a big one
24. Get married
25. Raise children
26. Earn a college degree
27. Watch the ball drop in Time Square
28. Shoot a bow and arrow
29. Shoot a gun at a shooting range
30. Visit Sydney, Australia
31. Go skiing
32. Go up in a hot air balloon
33. Earn a black belt in taekwondo, or other martial art
34. Read the entire Harry Potter series in a week
35. Crochet an entire blanket
36. Try vegetarianism for a month…or week
37. Start a collection, and own 50 of that object
38. Fly first class
39. Go on a cruise
40. Go snow-shoeing
41. Stay in a yurt
42. Survive my first year of teaching
43. Earn a minor in French 5/6/2010
44. Dance in the rain
45. Watch all six Star Wars movies in a week
46. Fake a sick day to stay home with my husband
47. Name a daughter Hannah
48. Be in two places at once
49. Have 3 tattoos
50. Stand at the 4 corners
51. Have at least one friend that I know I can count on
52. Adopt an animal from a shelter

I really hope to complete all things on this list and I think I'll be able to. I don't really have anything else to stay right now. So that's all.


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