Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This week, or Monday next week, I have to have a one hour long oral interview with my French professor. She's the one who I believe has been put on the planet to ruin my life. She's my own personal Satan, who wears me down on a daily basis and takes my focus off where it should be. To be honest, I would dread an hour long interview with any professor, but with this one? In French? Is it really necessary? I firmly believe that the answer is no. I speak up in class, I do the readings, I answer questions, I write her papers. So why must I be tested on my French ability when I am showing her every class period my abilities.

Okay. Really. I understand. It's a test. Tests measure progress. Tests measure achievement. Tests give you grades. Just let me grip for a bit. Geez.

I'm very, very anxious for Spring Break. I'm sick. And that's not helping me stay motivated. 99% of the time I just want to take some NyQuil and crawl into bed for the day. Responsibilities suck. Which brings me to my next point.

How do people know when they are ready for more responsibility? For instance, the responsibility of marriage? Of children? Of new jobs? Of friends? Of pets? I think that oftentimes you just have to jump in. Then you'll learn the responsibility necessary for whatever it is you just jumped into. I don't know. I'm just rambling to be honest.

I've been thinking a lot about my life. And my future. Everyone is telling me to finish school before I start a family. And I realize that's the smart thing to do. But to be honest, I want to be a stay at home mom until my kids are in school. I want to stay home and do the cooking and cleaning and have dinner on the table when my husband comes home. That means I have like 10 years to get a degree. Why is it so important to get it done now. Even if I took one class a semester it wouldn't take 10years. Oh well. I guess that's not really the only thing stopping me anyways.

I'm rambling so much. I apologize. I just want to be done with school. I'm super stressed right now and that's not going to help me get over this cold. AGH! 3 more French classes until Spring Break. =)

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