Monday, February 15, 2010

Another post about my 4th graders, plus some love for my Valentine

Last week I taught my 4th graders for the first time. It was kinda thrown at me 2 seconds before I had to get up and teach. It was a bit stressful but I loved every minute of it.

Ms. Johnson was teaching double digit times double digit multiplication. I settled at the end of a row where there is an extra seat, right next to Teya, expecting to just sit and watch. Then Ms. Johnson surprised me, she looked at me across the room and said, "Why am I doing this, you come do this, and besides I need to take a bathroom break." And just like that, she had walked out. Leaving me alone with 20 fourth graders, a projector, and a pencil. I shakily walked to the front of the classroom. Then I remembered how horses are, they can smell fear, I figured those kids could too so I immediately pulled myself together and took my place next to the projector.

It was a fairly easy lesson to teach, I just followed the teaching style of Ms. Johnson so as not to confuse them. I did a few problems with them and then gave them a few to do on their own. Only one girl got both of the problems right, but it was their first day with that kind of math so I'll cut them some slack haha. But, overall, it was a wonderful teaching experience.

I also met Ethan Starkweather for the first time. Ethan is the kid from Extreme Makeover who has been diagonosed with Prader-Willi. He was such a happy, smily kid but I felt for him everytime he asked Ms. Johnson if it was lunch time yet. I can't fathom having that kind of disease. In case you don't know what Prader-Willi is it is an extremely rare genetic disorder. It causes low muscle tone, labored speech, trouble breathing, and because of a malfunctioning hypothalamus, a constant feeling of extreme hunger

I had the best Valentine's Day that I've ever had. Recently I have started reading It's a blog that is written by someone who cooks, homeschools, photographs, and gets up at 4 every morning to work the ranch. She has recently published a cookbook and Lucas got me her cookbook for V-Day. We chose some recipes from the book, lasagna and blackberry cobbler, and made them for dinner. We also watched the olympics for a while. It was wonderful getting to spend that time with him. The food was amazing and we did a wonderful job cooking it. However, the blackberry cobbler "cooked" for 1.5 hours instead of just 1. That's what happens when the oven isn't on for the first 45 minutes. Go me. =( Lucas didn't even laugh at me. haha. Good thing to cause I felt ridiculous. But, anways. It was a wonderful Valentine's day mostly because I love my Valentine. I love you Lucas.


1 comment:

Steph T. said...

You have to tell me how you like the PW cookbook! I am so proud of you for trying! And girl...we have all forgotten to turn on the oven...No worries! So proud of you...I love you and Lucas! :)