Monday, January 11, 2010

First Day of School

It's so crazy how many first days of schools you have throughout college. It almost makes me miss high school and only having to be nervous once a year, instead of 3 or 4 times a semester. Oh well. It'll be done before too long.

I only have one class on MWF. It's called Standards Based Chemistry and we don't even have a book for the class. That's kinda exciting I suppose. Except it means that I have to be at class instead of just reading the book at home haha. The worst part is the time. 8 am. Blah. It's amazing to me how much time I had to do things after class. I took a nap and went to the store and got stuff ready for my event tonight. It was crazy. I'm so not used to having this much time in a day.

Tonight I have my first neighbor night of this semester. It's a coloring contest and I'm hoping that at least one person will come. That will make my trip to Target worth it at least.

I don't have a lot today. I'll have more tomorrow I'm sure after I have 4 new classes. Eek.


1 comment:

Steph T. said...

OH my gosh! I was dying laughing reading that comment! I am so sorry I embarrassed you like that! But Matt and I had dealt with so many girls with cramps over the years we forgot sometimes it was embarrassing to the girls! LOL!! Thanks for the good memory! Maybe you can repay the favor for some poor little girl some day! :)