Friday, June 19, 2009

And so it begins

I just thought I would start a blog so whoever wants to know what I'm doing can know.

It's been such a long day/two days. They all run together when you have an 8 hour flight and a 7 hour time change. So if I ramble on and on and make no sense, it's because I haven't slept in two days.

Thursday morning I got up and boarded an 11:30 flight from Tulsa to Chicago. That flight went smoothly but then I had a 4 hour layover. Which sucked. I absolutely hate flying, so sitting on a bench for 4 hours waiting for an 8 hour flight is kind of like getting teeth pulled. Haha. And what a fun flight it was, let me tell you. For the first half of the flight the baby behind me was screaming at the top of his lungs, while his mother sat across the aisle not even trying to comfort him. I say baby, but really he was like 3. Old enough to know how to behave on a plane, or at least try to. After four hours of baby screaming I was exhuasted and annoyed. I wanted to turn around and pick up the kid myself. But the baby finally settled down about when it got dark.

This darkness was the weirdest part of the trip. You saw the sunset behind you and then about an hour later you could see the sun coming over the horizon. It's weird when 15 hours goes by in 8. This plane ride, while the longest, was probably the easiest I've been on. I had zero nauseau, probably because I continuously ate, and I had some okay seat mates. One was a french guy who could speak English, but the one thing he said to me was, "Zut, no ordinateur, no job." It was just funny because he tried to sleep the whole time the baby was crying, with many moans of unhappiness. And then as soon as he pulls his laptop out to work his computer dies. The girl on my right was just kind of crazy. She was obviously used to flying in more prestigious airlines in a much higher class. She just continually talked AA down. Oh well. She didn't even buy her plane ticket so she needs to get over it.

Landing in Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France was just like landing in any other airport. Except this time, there was a little guy in a cubicle shoving our passports back through the window after we handed them to him. Although this sounds unexciting, I'd never been through customs before and I thought it was neat that I got a stamp on my passport.

The trains were the most complicated thing. Our whole group sat at the wrong terminal for 3 hours before realizing 10 mintues before our train left that we needed to be way on the other side. Talk about stressful. But that was nothing compared to when our train got to Avignon. There are two different train stations in Avignon and we had to go from one to the other to get our trains. It was complicated, and confusing, and the bus driver just said 1 euro 20 over and over again. But that's not what we were asking haha.

Eventually we got to our hotel. After much walking and stress and exhaustion. And I'll tell you all about orienation tomorrow or some other time. Peace out.

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