Saturday, September 8, 2012

3 down, 33 to go

I can not believe that I have already been teaching for 3 whole weeks. It has flown by. Every day is different so it makes it seem so fast. I am always surprised when it is already 7th hour.

My first week was awesome. I was exhausted ALL the time but I think I'm finally getting used to how draining it is to be teaching all day everyday. My kids were great that first week, thank goodness. Unfortunately, that's changed a little bit.

My second week was wonderful in math, and not so much in science. I think it's because I did so well at making math so structured. Every day looks similar. Science is just not that structured. I didn't get them into a routine and they were crazy this week. Not to mention I was really sick. So that was just no fun at all.

However, I killed it the third week. I made science more structured. I stopped being scared to discipline. I even gave out detention to two kids. Thanks are getting much better.

I don't have a whole lot to write about. It's been a super fast and crazy three weeks. I just needed to update. Which I need to do more frequently anyways. so I'll do that. Then I will be able to remember more about what's going on.

Okay. That's all I guess for now. I'll do better next time!
