Friday, March 18, 2011

An update

It has been incredibly too long. And so much has happened.

I finally submitted my application for student teaching. It was a huge relief to get everything done. I'll find out in about a month where my placements are. I can't wait. This is the first big step to becoming a teacher. Yay!

I got an A on an art project. Not just an A, a 97. This class has been one of the most stressful because I was failing from the very beginning. It's getting easier and I'm doing much better now. I'm pretty sure my overall grade is a 89 now. I'll take that.

I've continued my triathlon training. I still have a long way to go, and not a whole lot of time. I'm definitely going to have to kick my training into overtime now. I really should be swimming more often than once a week. Especially considering the fact that I can only swim about half the required distance in about twice the recommended time. That's okay though. I'll get it.

I took my Campfire kids on their first field trip. They had a blast and so did I. I took Lucas and Sierra with me to help chaperon a bit and it went very smoothly.

I got to go to Beauty and the Beast with Lucas. This was wonderful. I had been looking forward to it for a long time and it was a really fun night out with Lucas.

I've played my trumpet at church for 3 Sundays in a row. I love playing. I realize how nerdy that is, but that's okay. I really have a passion for creating music so when I'm able to do it, I'm going to enjoy every second.

And finally, the most amazing news ever, LUCAS ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!!! I, of course, said yes. I'll blog soon with details of the proposal and such. My ring is beautiful and I can't wait to begin this exciting wedding planning journey with him.

I think that's about it. I've had a really good Spring Break. I really wish that it could be longer. But that's okay. Only 7 more weeks of this semester. I can do it!
