Sunday, February 20, 2011

A quick update on a few things

I have about 1,000 things to do over this next week, most of which I should be doing now, but I'm way too tired to concentrate on homework, so here's a blog post instead.

The first update I have is that I switched my goal for this semester. It was to do a 10k. Now, a sprint triathlon. I really am not a huge fan of running and I just wasn't motivated enough to train towards that at this time. What does a sprint triathlon consist of you ask? Well, it's a 400 meter swim, a 12 mile bike ride, and a 2 mile run. I firmly believe the hardest part will be that swim. I haven't swam in a very long time so it'll be interesting to see where I am in that. I'm going on my first swim tomorrow!

Update number two. I graduate exactly 300 days from today. This is pretty much the best thing ever. I truly cannot wait to see what my life has in store 301 days from now. It's exciting!

The graduation update brings me to my third update. This past week I had a meeting with my advisor to get her approval to student teach next semester. I definitely thought that I was done with my application and that I had everything in order. Turns out I was wrong. I was thoroughly disappointed when she informed me that she couldn't approve me. I had an entire other part of the application that I somehow missed. I had to find about 10 papers that I wrote when I was a freshman and sophomore and upload them onto my e-portfolio. This was very disheartening. I didn't know if I'd be able to find the papers and I really didn't want to take the time to convert them all to pdf's and upload them. Well, my meeting was Thursday and I submitted my completed portfolio today. I guess I had nothing to stress about. =)

Update number 4. Recently, like February 1st, I started a new diet. I decided to do the 5 a day the color way challenge. In this challenge, you eat 5 fruits and vegetables every day, one from each of the five color groups. The color groups are red, yellow/orange, green, blue/purple, and white. I've really been surprised with how well I've done. I've only not got everything in twice so far. The first was due to being snowed in and not being able to buy the right colors. The second was because I had a huge migraine and didn't want to eat anything.

I think that might be the only updates that I have. We are already done with 6 weeks of this semester. Only 10 more to go. Woohoo!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow snow snow

Before I get into the snow I'd like to first mention that me and Lucas celebrated our 3.5 year anniversary. That's a long time! I love him so much and I'm grateful that I've been blessed with him in my life.

What a crazy month it has been, and it's only the 5th. The 1st brought lots of snow. More snow than Oklahoma has ever received. The weatherman said that we've already received more snow than the record for the entire month of February. It's been really crazy. Here are some pictures.

This is the major highway that goes through Owasso. All those cars are stuck.
Here's me trying to walk across the street to get to my dads truck. I got stuck a couple times.
My sister standing in the snow. There was so much.
This is the elementary school by my house. It was 3 days after the snow and no one had even started digging it out. You can't really tell from this picture but the drifts had completely covered the front door.
Here's a snow drift in front of my house. The snow hadn't stopped yet but the drift was already taller than the yard stick.

It has been a nice break from school, since we had 4 snow days, but I'm definitely ready to get back into the routine of school and work and such. I don't handle change very well so when I'm not able to follow a schedule I kinda freak out. I'm just hoping we don't actually get the 5-10 inches predicted for this next week. Gross. It already stopped me from getting to see Lucas this weekend. It better not happen again.

I think that's all. Just wanted to mention the crazy amounts of snow.
